Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan_1 Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan-with-his-student-1 Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan-with-his-student-4 _Wu Chien Chuan with his student 5 Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan_7 Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student 6

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

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Chong Kok Foong

第一次因缘际会经由Nguyen Tri Dzung师兄和一位我们共同的朋友介绍之下踏入星洲鉴泉太极健身社是在2014年。记得第一次上课时刘景行师叔就轻松地站了个桩叫我从侧边尽全力力推挤他而纹丝不动。从那天开始,除了星期三晚上到健身社之外,星期天早上也尽可能去跟随Nguyen Tri Dzung师兄一起练习,一直到他离开新加坡前介绍我去碧山星期天早上的课。这段日子以来学拳的热枕俞浓,有幸初步浅尝到吴家太极拳在武术上的可刚可柔和防身自卫的一面。从一开始的脚酸,腰酸气喘等等练到今天,首先是体魄和精神都比以前好多了,不容易累, 平时脚步也比较轻灵了。自己也尝试向亲友同学同事分享和推荐学练太极拳之后种种切身体会和益处。如今有辛于2016年五月28日被纳入师门,定當勉力學習之以更完善自己。倘若有幸多年后功夫练得有点长进,也必一尽己力,希望有能力为吴家太极拳的传承献上一份薄力,让自己学到的以及所体会到的点滴与后学者分享。

I was opportunately introduced by Nguyen Tri Dzung Si Hing and a common friend of us into the Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Phyiscal Culture Association in 2014. I still remember vividly how Low Keng Han Si Suk took a stance relaxingly and allowed me to squeeze him laterally with full force and yet I could not shift him an inch. From that night onwards, I would always follow the practicing with Nguyen Tri Dzung Si Hing on Sunday morning in addition of the Wednesday class. The Sunday practice with Dzung carried on until he brought me to the Bishan morning class, right before he left Singapore. I have since became even more passionate with Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan and has more opportunity to observe briefly the martial art power and self-defence aspect of it. From the sore leg, backache, struggling to catch a breath after practice in the early days, I have became stronger physically, more energetic than before, getting tired less easily and walk more naturally with lighter steps. With these benefits I have experienced, I would always try to share with my relatives, friends and colleagues and recommend them to start practicing the same. Fortuitously, I became one of the disciples accepted by Sifu on the 28th May, 2016 in Singapore. I will continue to improve myself by training hard and with dedication. As a disciple, I hope I could also help contribute to promoting the Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan and be able to share my learning experience with the forthcoming learners. 

Name: Chong Kok Foong
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Contact: EmailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Discipleship year: July 2016
Discipleship Country: Singapore
School: Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association
Disciple status: Non teaching disciple
Profession: Mixed Signal IC Designer

第一次因缘际会经由Nguyen Tri Dzung师兄和一位我们共同的朋友介绍之下踏入星洲鉴泉太极健身社是在2014年。记得第一次上课时刘景行师叔就轻松地站了个桩叫我从侧边尽全力力推挤他而纹丝不动。从那天开始,除了星期三晚上到健身社之外,星期天早上也尽可能去跟随Nguyen Tri Dzung师兄一起练习,一直到他离开新加坡前介绍我去碧山星期天早上的课。这段日子以来学拳的热枕俞浓,有幸初步浅尝到吴家太极拳在武术上的可刚可柔和防身自卫的一面。从一开始的脚酸,腰酸气喘等等练到今天,首先是体魄和精神都比以前好多了,不容易累, 平时脚步也比较轻灵了。自己也尝试向亲友同学同事分享和推荐学练太极拳之后种种切身体会和益处。如今有辛于2016年五月28日被纳入师门,定當勉力學習之以更完善自己。倘若有幸多年后功夫练得有点长进,也必一尽己力,希望有能力为吴家太极拳的传承献上一份薄力,让自己学到的以及所体会到的点滴与后学者分享。