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Location: Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy, Athens
Address : Spirou Loui - Velodrome (OAKA)
City: Athens,
Province: Marousi,
Country: Greece
Contact: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website : www.taichichuan.gr
Certified Forms : Advanced Level
Click HERE for Class Schedule
Click HERE for Directions to the Club
Chief Instructor's Bio:
Dionisis Tsetselis is a disciple of Grand Master Wu Kwong Yu, the Chief Instructor of the Hellenic Wu’s Tai Chi Chuan Academy in Athens and he holds the 5th Duan of the Chinese Wushu Association.
He began the study of Tai Chi Chuan in 1985, at 20 years of age. For the first 7 years he studied Yang style, while continuing for the next 14 years to train in a Wu-originating sub-style, working with both Greek and foreign teachers. In 2006, while already seeking for some time to follow an authentic family line, he came in contact with the Wu family, through Grand Master Wu Kwong Yu.
Immediately following the first workshops organized in Greece conducted by Sifu' s representative and disciple, sifu Dr. Chuang Shiou Huey, he recognized the depth and authenticity of knowledge of the Wu family's art and, he and his students, decided to follow Grand Master Wu Kwong Yu, a decision that was reinforced and cemented when he met and was taught by the Grand Master personally. The transition from his previous style, to the authentic Wu Family Tai Chi Chuan was relatively short, given the degree of syllabus and kinesiological similarities between the styles, his previous experience, as well as the concentrated effort applied studying for many hours solo and with his students for a year.
Since then, he had many times the opportunity to study under Sifu in Athens, London and Hong Kong and he feels deep appreciation and love for him. He worked a lot too, with the President of the International Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Federation, Jonathan Krehm, during his many trips in Athens. His help was really precious for Dionisis and he feels that he owes to him so much that he will never be able to pay him back all the good that he did to him.
In the past, he has taught Tai Chi Chuan for many years in Greece, to various public elementary school pupils aged 6-12 and to adults, in numerous schools and gymnasiums, as well as in his own learning centre, that functioned from 1995 to 1999 under the name "Aeiroon", meaning "Forever Flowing" in the Greek language.
Since 1999 he has been heading the specialized publications house "Alkimachon" (meaning the quality that enables one to fight using internal power for ethical and just purposes), publishing martial arts’ and alternative medicine’s books, as well as two martial arts magazines: the monthly "Martial Arts’ Path" and the Greek publication of the famous and high quality American quarterly "Journal of Asian Martial Arts".
He believes Tai Chi Chuan to be a martial art possessing great depth and breadth, that can help all people improve their health and their everyday life and promote, through their practice in it, good relationships and mutual understanding between individuals of different cultural and social backgrounds. For these reasons, Tai Chi Chuan should not be taught in small, closed, elitist circles, hidden behind a veil of mystery, metaphysics and secretiveness or to be self-restricted in a "light" New Age perception, but to be freely available, in its correct and complete form, as a complete martial art, health and spiritual system, to all people interested.
Certified Instructors:
Dionisis Tsetselis
Vasileios Tsiantis
Paris Verras
Gregory Antikian
For more information on the Learning Center's Instructor or Disciples, go to the Menu Bar: Our Federation to see the lists of Certified Instructors and Disciples.
Copyright © 2017 International Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Federation.