Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan_1 Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan-with-his-student-1 Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan-with-his-student-4 _Wu Chien Chuan with his student 5 Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan_7 Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student 6

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Our History

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Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy HQ in Hong Kong

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Medical Journals

To read about health and tai chi, please click on the link. These articles will give you an insight into all the benefits of practicing tai chi chuan.


Certified Instructors

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Donald McLeod Thomson

"I began learning Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan in 2004 with Kenny Millard and instructor with the Five Winds School in Scotlant.

On my arrival to Singapore in 2009, I went to Hong Kong Street and was very lucky to be allowed to attend the Saturday class!

Learning the unique small circle tai chi of the Singapore club is a real challenge and I'm grateful to all the instructors for their support.

I was honored to be accepted as a disciple of Grandmaster Eddie Wu in 2011."

Name: Donald McLeod Thomson
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Discipleship year: 2011
School: Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association