Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan_1 Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan-with-his-student-1 Grand-Master-Wu-Chien-Chuan-with-his-student-4 _Wu Chien Chuan with his student 5 Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan_7 Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student 6

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

Grand Master Wu Chien Chuan with his student

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Medical Journals

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Raymond Leung

I grew up in Hong Kong and always amazed by the skill of different martial arts as shown on movies and TV programs.

Since my childhood, I was actively in different sports and learnt some basic martial art skill but never materialized.

Around 10 years ago, I started exploring Taichi by following different masters and schools in different locations and countries but without much success.

In 2012, I joined the class in Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Academy Singapore and followed Saw Phaik Hwa and other instructors in the academy since then.

With their coaching and guidance, I gained much understanding of WuStyle Tai Chi - both skill and its spirit. Their dedication and commitment to Tai Chi also inspired me to continue improving my skills. Personally, I benefited a lot, both physically and mentally after acquiring some basic skills. With the privilege of becoming a discipline of Grand Master Eddie Wu from May 2016, I wish to further improving my competency and assist in promoting and sharing the value of Tai Chi to others.           


Name: Raymond Leung
City: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Contact: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Disciple of: Grand Master Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Discipleship year: July 2016
Discipleship Country: Singapore
School: Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association
Disciple status: Non teaching disciple